In this episode SGX Coach Mark Barrosso, with, gives a Spartan Race Recap of the Greek Peak Winter Race. He discusses both the Sprint and the Hurricane Heat.
In our research review, learn about how you should be distributing your intensity. Train hard all the time, moderate, easy..? We looks at what the research is saying about what training zone you should be spending most of your time. You might be surprised at the answer.
SGX Coach and RD Anne L'Heureux is on fresh off her 2nd place finish at the Greek Peak Sprint. She goes over what has helped her pick her training up and discusses a recent article she wrote for Spartan Race, 10 Lies Everyone Believe About Dieting (Plus 5 Truths). This is part I where she discusses of few of the lies.
And finally in our SGX Coaches's interview, I talk with Coach Chris Judy from RFT Coaching.
Chris comes from an endurance sports and military background. He raced bicycles for 20 years, competing in both the US and Europe. After that career, went to the military, spent 10 years serving our country and deploying to both Iraq and Afghanistan. Chris trained and deployed next to some of the fittest men on the planet, and it's that experience, knowledge and mindset that he can bring to everyday life with RFT Coaching.
Currently he competes in obstacle course races, snowboard, rock climb, trail run, hike our beautiful mountains, and of course train for it all in the gym.
If you need help organizing your training program for endurance performance you will not want to miss this interview. He discusses his Endurance Pyramid and walks you step by step through his programming for elite level athletes. He discusses how strength training should be incorporated, and why many will train for obstacles wrong.
All that, plus much more in this episode.
Complete Show Notes: